Free Article and Tutorial

Kamis, 17 April 2008
Do you want to find articles and tutorials for your education or web content? http://www.web-articles.info is the greate place for your solution. It�s a web article directory that provide thousands of articles collection. Their tutorials and articles are organized by categories such as Arts & Entertainment articles, Automotive, Business & Finance articles, Computer & Technology tutorials, Health & Fitness tutorials, Home & Garden advice, News & Society, Reference & Education articles. You can get it all for FREE. Yes it�s free for general use but no part of the content may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without specifying its source (web articles directory).

You also can submit your original article and tutorial to web articles directory. This gives you a huge advantage by submitting your articles to their database. If you submit articles to the directory, it means that you will increase your website traffic and link popularity. Your article submission is analyzed by one of their representatives. You may submit as many articles as you want as long as they are not already published on the Internet.

The tutorials in web articles directory are organized by category. You may find the article and tutorial about Microsoft Office and MAC related articles in the Computers and technology category. You also can find Customer service information in business category. And many more. You also can find an article or tutorial by keywords. Just use the search option available at the top-right side of the page. Also, you may browse articles alphabetically ordered.


New Growing Social Community

Rabu, 16 April 2008
Online social communities are becoming popular day by day, because it's very interesting. 3gb.biz is a new growing online social community. If you join 3gb community 3gb.biz you will meet new friends or your old friends from all over the world. You will connected with various peaple. You can share your photos and make it an album to known by others how good looking you are :) . You alse can join and participate in your favorite group. You can even to make a blog to expose everything.

3gb.biz also offering other feature such as hearing new mp3 and chat online. With this feature you can hearing new mp3 hits while you chatting with your friends. This would make you more fan. It's a great way of interacting with other people. So what are you waiting for? go and join 3gb community 3gb.biz, I sure you'll enjoy it.


Tukar Link

Sesama blogger memiliki hak untuk saling membatu. Disini saya menawarkan teman-teman yang ingin menukar link dengan saya. Tetapi saya hanya menawarkan link berupa link text, bukan link banner dengan alasan agar tidak memperberat tampilan blog saya.

Link teman-teman akan saya pasang di sebelah kanan blog saya (Jandi Blog).

Jangan lupa, link milik Jandi Blog seperti ini :

Link : http://didid-cracker.blogspot.com

Text : Facebook Hack by Jandi Blog

Link anda akan dipasang pada blog ini apabila link saya telah terpasang pada blog anda.

Terima kasih atas kerjasama teman-teman, semoga maksud dan tujuan dari tukar link ini bisa memberikan manfaat kepada kita semua, Amin...

Jika link teman-teman belum terpasang pada blog saya, silahkan isi komentar pada halam ini.

Thank to all.

Adakah Alat Untuk Mengecek Link ?

Senin, 14 April 2008
Jika kita punya blog tentunya sering dong kita pasang link-link web/blog orang lain. Entah itu karena web/blog yg kita link tersebut berguna buat kita, ataukah kita pasang karena maksud saling bertukar link. Nha kadang-kadang web/blog dari link-link yang kita pasang tersebut sudah lenyap, maka percuma dong kita pasang linknya. Terus untuk yang pasang link dengan maksud saling bertukar link kadang-kadang link blog kita lenyap dari blog teman yg kita ajak tukeran link tersebut, entah sengaja dihapus atau tidak.

Nha biasanya untuk mengecek hal tersebut, kita harus meng-klik satu-persatu link2 yang ada di blog kita. Trus kita datangin web/blog dari link-link tersebut, kalo blognya masih ada kita harus ngecek lagi apakah link blog kita masih dipasang disana apa tidak. Tentunya repot kan jika harus melakukan hal tersebut, belum lagi harus mikirin koneksi internet yg lambat lah, biaya warnet lah dll. Apalagi kalo link yang ada di blog kita jumlahnya banyak bangets. duh cape' deeeh :f

Nha sekarang ini, aku sedang merancang sebuah alat (berbentuk form) yang bisa untuk mempermudah proses tsb. Kita tinggal memasukkan alamat blog kita, trus pencet tombolnya. Tinggal tunggu deh hasilnya, tuing..tuing. langsung muncul laporanya, mana aja link yg masih baik atau yang error. Gimana pada tertarik nggak?
Tunggu ya, sekarang ini alat tersebut sedang di rancang di laboratoriumku. sebentar lagi akan terbit, dan kamu bisa pake memasangnya di blog km masing2. Tenang aja, km gak perlu bayar, aku kasih gratis. km hanya perlu doain aku. Udah pada hapal kan doanya? yang ini lho "Semoga aku bisa menjadi orang yang sukses, kaya, dermawan, baik hati, tidak sombong dan semoga bisa mendapatkan istri yang cantik, setia, baik hati dan sholehah serta bisa hidup bahagia di dunia dan ahirat". :O :r

The Importance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Minggu, 13 April 2008
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one methode of analyzing and constructing a website or Web Design, as well as entire sites, so that it can be discovered, analyzed, and then be indexed by various search engine. SEO can make your web pages content easily read by search engines and their crawling and indexing software (robot). This is very important if you have an internet business. When customers want to find something that they need, they will go to the website address. But if they don't have the URL they will find over search engine by typing kewords related on their topic needs. If your website is not indexed by any search engine, it's almost impossible for customers to locate your website if it's not a famouse website/company. Potential customers might not even know that your site exists.

As an example, a customer would like to find an information about a product that would be used by him/her, but he/she don't know about a certain website which to locate, or even he/she don't know if they actually have a website. So he/she will decide to look in a popular search engine. He/she will type a keyword related on the topic in the seach box, then click on the search button. There will be a great number of site listed in the search result. If your website on the top rank of search engine, it's possible your site will be appear on the first pages or even top of search result page. Then the customer would be happy to click the link and visit to your site.

Search engine is great option. Lately, everyones use it to find what they need. If your website on the top of search engine result pages, potential customers will able to find your pages easily, and your website traffic absolutely will increased very significant. And it will make your business successfull. The question is how to make your pages on the top of search engine result pages? Search engine usually use a programs which are commonly called spiders, crawler, or robots which follow the links from page to page. The pages ara analyzed, indexed and added to the databases search engine. SEO (Search Engine Optimization), like it's name, can optimize your web pages to be search engine friendly. With some methods, SEO, can make your website placed on the top of search engine result.

Private Student Loans for Education Financial Problems

When students have a problem with finances while in college and graduate school, or harder to pay their everyday living expenses. For situations like these they need to get the help from education funding company. private student loans will be a good option to solve the problem. The student loans could provide the financing they need. There are a variety of student loan options available, but Selecting the good financial aid company sometimes can be hard. They must considering such as excellent low cost option for covering the funding gap and repaying student debt. and It must be have a good reputation. With a private student loans, students will get some feature benefits, they can borrow some money to fullfilll their needs such as tuition, room and board, books, and day-to-day living expenses.

Private student loans give an option to apply using a qualified co-applicant. Just use simple application wizard the students will get a preliminary approval in a few minutes, it's fast, easy and secure online application. There is no application fee and deadline. It means that the students can apply anytime. Students can get the money each year, in the middle of the term, or when they want it. The money will be sent directly to the borrower, not to the school. About repayment, the options are, how long the students have to repay, what happens if they have trouble making their payments. Private student loans available to undergraduate, graduate and continuing education students
What are you waiting for? Just apply online now.


Cara Membuat Dropdown Menu

Rabu, 09 April 2008
Apa sih dropdown menu itu?
Dropdown menu yang seperti ini itu lho :

Nha udah tahu kan? Dengan dropdown menu kita bisa mnghemat space/ruang di blog kita, karena dengan ukuran yang kecil seperti itu bisa menyimpan link dan text yang banyak. Itu bisa diisi dengan arsip, blogroll dll.
Gimana? Mau mencobanya?
Gini nih caranya :

Login ke blogger, trus masuk ke menu "Page Element" trus pilih Add page elements --> HTML/JavaScript. Kemudian masukkan script berikut ini di kocat "Content"

<select onChange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="0" selected>Arsip Blog</option>
<option value="Links 1">Text 1</option>
<option value="Links 2">Text 2</option>

Text yang berwarna merah adalah link. ganti text2 tersebut dengan link2 kamu.
Text yang berwarna biru adalah tulisan yang ditampilkan. Itu juga harus km ganti.

Contohnya seperti ini :

<select onChange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="0" selected>Arsip Blog</option>
<option value="http://trik-tips.blogspot.com/2008/01/membuat-menu-horizontal.html"> Cara Membuat Menu Horizontal </option>
<option value="http://trik-tips.blogspot.com/2007/12/cara-membuat-search-engine.html"> Cara Membuat Search Engine </option>

maka hasilnya akan seperti ini :

untuk menambahkan menu lagi, tambahkan kode seperti ini :

<option value="Links 2">Text 2</option>

sebelum kode </select>

Link dalam dropdown menu di atas jika di klik akan membuka link di halaman yang sama. Ini cocok untuk Arsip dan link-link yang masih berhubungan dengan blog tsb.

Ada satu tipe lagi yang jika diklik linknya maka akan membuka window baru tanpa menutup blog kamu. Yang ini cocok untu Blogroll atau Friend link.
Cara mambuatnya seperti diatas tapi ganti kode berikut

<select onChange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">

ganti dengan kode ini :

<select onchange="javascript:window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">

hasilnya akan seperti ini :

Gimana? Bisa nggak?

Trik dan tips yang berhubungan :


Cari Dollar Lewat Program Review

Senin, 07 April 2008
Selain adsense, masih ada beberapa program untuk mencari dollar lewat blog (paid blogging), salah satunya yaitu dengan program review. Sistem kerjanya yaitu kita mendaftarkan disalah satu layanan paid blogging kemudian setelah diterima baru kita bisa mendapatkan job. Jobnya yaitu berupa menuliskan artikel tentang suatu perusahaan atau website. jadi maksudnya kita memposting artikel diblog kita tentang suatu perusahaan/website yang telah ditentukan oleh program penyedia layanan tersebut.

Ada beberapa macam sistem kerja dari program review blog (paid blogging) ini. yang pertama yaitu kita bisa melakukan penawaran dari daftar job yang tersedia. Yang kedua yaitu kita hanya bisa menunggu datangnya job dari penyedia layanan tersebut. Bayaran dari program mereview blog ini lumayan lho, bisa nyampe ratusan dollar per review. Lumayan kan sambil mengisi postingan di blog kita trus kita malah dapet bayaran. Artikel yang ini juga termasuk dari program review tersebut lho. Jadi aku menulis artikel ini juga dapet bayaran, he..he..

Untuk lebih jelasnya BACA DISINI