Free Article and Tutorial

Kamis, 17 April 2008
Do you want to find articles and tutorials for your education or web content? http://www.web-articles.info is the greate place for your solution. It�s a web article directory that provide thousands of articles collection. Their tutorials and articles are organized by categories such as Arts & Entertainment articles, Automotive, Business & Finance articles, Computer & Technology tutorials, Health & Fitness tutorials, Home & Garden advice, News & Society, Reference & Education articles. You can get it all for FREE. Yes it�s free for general use but no part of the content may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without specifying its source (web articles directory).

You also can submit your original article and tutorial to web articles directory. This gives you a huge advantage by submitting your articles to their database. If you submit articles to the directory, it means that you will increase your website traffic and link popularity. Your article submission is analyzed by one of their representatives. You may submit as many articles as you want as long as they are not already published on the Internet.

The tutorials in web articles directory are organized by category. You may find the article and tutorial about Microsoft Office and MAC related articles in the Computers and technology category. You also can find Customer service information in business category. And many more. You also can find an article or tutorial by keywords. Just use the search option available at the top-right side of the page. Also, you may browse articles alphabetically ordered.


New Growing Social Community

Rabu, 16 April 2008
Online social communities are becoming popular day by day, because it's very interesting. 3gb.biz is a new growing online social community. If you join 3gb community 3gb.biz you will meet new friends or your old friends from all over the world. You will connected with various peaple. You can share your photos and make it an album to known by others how good looking you are :) . You alse can join and participate in your favorite group. You can even to make a blog to expose everything.

3gb.biz also offering other feature such as hearing new mp3 and chat online. With this feature you can hearing new mp3 hits while you chatting with your friends. This would make you more fan. It's a great way of interacting with other people. So what are you waiting for? go and join 3gb community 3gb.biz, I sure you'll enjoy it.


Tukar Link

Sesama blogger memiliki hak untuk saling membatu. Disini saya menawarkan teman-teman yang ingin menukar link dengan saya. Tetapi saya hanya menawarkan link berupa link text, bukan link banner dengan alasan agar tidak memperberat tampilan blog saya.

Link teman-teman akan saya pasang di sebelah kanan blog saya (Jandi Blog).

Jangan lupa, link milik Jandi Blog seperti ini :

Link : http://didid-cracker.blogspot.com

Text : Facebook Hack by Jandi Blog

Link anda akan dipasang pada blog ini apabila link saya telah terpasang pada blog anda.

Terima kasih atas kerjasama teman-teman, semoga maksud dan tujuan dari tukar link ini bisa memberikan manfaat kepada kita semua, Amin...

Jika link teman-teman belum terpasang pada blog saya, silahkan isi komentar pada halam ini.

Thank to all.

Adakah Alat Untuk Mengecek Link ?

Senin, 14 April 2008
Jika kita punya blog tentunya sering dong kita pasang link-link web/blog orang lain. Entah itu karena web/blog yg kita link tersebut berguna buat kita, ataukah kita pasang karena maksud saling bertukar link. Nha kadang-kadang web/blog dari link-link yang kita pasang tersebut sudah lenyap, maka percuma dong kita pasang linknya. Terus untuk yang pasang link dengan maksud saling bertukar link kadang-kadang link blog kita lenyap dari blog teman yg kita ajak tukeran link tersebut, entah sengaja dihapus atau tidak.

Nha biasanya untuk mengecek hal tersebut, kita harus meng-klik satu-persatu link2 yang ada di blog kita. Trus kita datangin web/blog dari link-link tersebut, kalo blognya masih ada kita harus ngecek lagi apakah link blog kita masih dipasang disana apa tidak. Tentunya repot kan jika harus melakukan hal tersebut, belum lagi harus mikirin koneksi internet yg lambat lah, biaya warnet lah dll. Apalagi kalo link yang ada di blog kita jumlahnya banyak bangets. duh cape' deeeh :f

Nha sekarang ini, aku sedang merancang sebuah alat (berbentuk form) yang bisa untuk mempermudah proses tsb. Kita tinggal memasukkan alamat blog kita, trus pencet tombolnya. Tinggal tunggu deh hasilnya, tuing..tuing. langsung muncul laporanya, mana aja link yg masih baik atau yang error. Gimana pada tertarik nggak?
Tunggu ya, sekarang ini alat tersebut sedang di rancang di laboratoriumku. sebentar lagi akan terbit, dan kamu bisa pake memasangnya di blog km masing2. Tenang aja, km gak perlu bayar, aku kasih gratis. km hanya perlu doain aku. Udah pada hapal kan doanya? yang ini lho "Semoga aku bisa menjadi orang yang sukses, kaya, dermawan, baik hati, tidak sombong dan semoga bisa mendapatkan istri yang cantik, setia, baik hati dan sholehah serta bisa hidup bahagia di dunia dan ahirat". :O :r

The Importance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Minggu, 13 April 2008
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one methode of analyzing and constructing a website or Web Design, as well as entire sites, so that it can be discovered, analyzed, and then be indexed by various search engine. SEO can make your web pages content easily read by search engines and their crawling and indexing software (robot). This is very important if you have an internet business. When customers want to find something that they need, they will go to the website address. But if they don't have the URL they will find over search engine by typing kewords related on their topic needs. If your website is not indexed by any search engine, it's almost impossible for customers to locate your website if it's not a famouse website/company. Potential customers might not even know that your site exists.

As an example, a customer would like to find an information about a product that would be used by him/her, but he/she don't know about a certain website which to locate, or even he/she don't know if they actually have a website. So he/she will decide to look in a popular search engine. He/she will type a keyword related on the topic in the seach box, then click on the search button. There will be a great number of site listed in the search result. If your website on the top rank of search engine, it's possible your site will be appear on the first pages or even top of search result page. Then the customer would be happy to click the link and visit to your site.

Search engine is great option. Lately, everyones use it to find what they need. If your website on the top of search engine result pages, potential customers will able to find your pages easily, and your website traffic absolutely will increased very significant. And it will make your business successfull. The question is how to make your pages on the top of search engine result pages? Search engine usually use a programs which are commonly called spiders, crawler, or robots which follow the links from page to page. The pages ara analyzed, indexed and added to the databases search engine. SEO (Search Engine Optimization), like it's name, can optimize your web pages to be search engine friendly. With some methods, SEO, can make your website placed on the top of search engine result.

Private Student Loans for Education Financial Problems

When students have a problem with finances while in college and graduate school, or harder to pay their everyday living expenses. For situations like these they need to get the help from education funding company. private student loans will be a good option to solve the problem. The student loans could provide the financing they need. There are a variety of student loan options available, but Selecting the good financial aid company sometimes can be hard. They must considering such as excellent low cost option for covering the funding gap and repaying student debt. and It must be have a good reputation. With a private student loans, students will get some feature benefits, they can borrow some money to fullfilll their needs such as tuition, room and board, books, and day-to-day living expenses.

Private student loans give an option to apply using a qualified co-applicant. Just use simple application wizard the students will get a preliminary approval in a few minutes, it's fast, easy and secure online application. There is no application fee and deadline. It means that the students can apply anytime. Students can get the money each year, in the middle of the term, or when they want it. The money will be sent directly to the borrower, not to the school. About repayment, the options are, how long the students have to repay, what happens if they have trouble making their payments. Private student loans available to undergraduate, graduate and continuing education students
What are you waiting for? Just apply online now.


Cara Membuat Dropdown Menu

Rabu, 09 April 2008
Apa sih dropdown menu itu?
Dropdown menu yang seperti ini itu lho :

Nha udah tahu kan? Dengan dropdown menu kita bisa mnghemat space/ruang di blog kita, karena dengan ukuran yang kecil seperti itu bisa menyimpan link dan text yang banyak. Itu bisa diisi dengan arsip, blogroll dll.
Gimana? Mau mencobanya?
Gini nih caranya :

Login ke blogger, trus masuk ke menu "Page Element" trus pilih Add page elements --> HTML/JavaScript. Kemudian masukkan script berikut ini di kocat "Content"

<select onChange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="0" selected>Arsip Blog</option>
<option value="Links 1">Text 1</option>
<option value="Links 2">Text 2</option>

Text yang berwarna merah adalah link. ganti text2 tersebut dengan link2 kamu.
Text yang berwarna biru adalah tulisan yang ditampilkan. Itu juga harus km ganti.

Contohnya seperti ini :

<select onChange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="0" selected>Arsip Blog</option>
<option value="http://trik-tips.blogspot.com/2008/01/membuat-menu-horizontal.html"> Cara Membuat Menu Horizontal </option>
<option value="http://trik-tips.blogspot.com/2007/12/cara-membuat-search-engine.html"> Cara Membuat Search Engine </option>

maka hasilnya akan seperti ini :

untuk menambahkan menu lagi, tambahkan kode seperti ini :

<option value="Links 2">Text 2</option>

sebelum kode </select>

Link dalam dropdown menu di atas jika di klik akan membuka link di halaman yang sama. Ini cocok untuk Arsip dan link-link yang masih berhubungan dengan blog tsb.

Ada satu tipe lagi yang jika diklik linknya maka akan membuka window baru tanpa menutup blog kamu. Yang ini cocok untu Blogroll atau Friend link.
Cara mambuatnya seperti diatas tapi ganti kode berikut

<select onChange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">

ganti dengan kode ini :

<select onchange="javascript:window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">

hasilnya akan seperti ini :

Gimana? Bisa nggak?

Trik dan tips yang berhubungan :


Cari Dollar Lewat Program Review

Senin, 07 April 2008
Selain adsense, masih ada beberapa program untuk mencari dollar lewat blog (paid blogging), salah satunya yaitu dengan program review. Sistem kerjanya yaitu kita mendaftarkan disalah satu layanan paid blogging kemudian setelah diterima baru kita bisa mendapatkan job. Jobnya yaitu berupa menuliskan artikel tentang suatu perusahaan atau website. jadi maksudnya kita memposting artikel diblog kita tentang suatu perusahaan/website yang telah ditentukan oleh program penyedia layanan tersebut.

Ada beberapa macam sistem kerja dari program review blog (paid blogging) ini. yang pertama yaitu kita bisa melakukan penawaran dari daftar job yang tersedia. Yang kedua yaitu kita hanya bisa menunggu datangnya job dari penyedia layanan tersebut. Bayaran dari program mereview blog ini lumayan lho, bisa nyampe ratusan dollar per review. Lumayan kan sambil mengisi postingan di blog kita trus kita malah dapet bayaran. Artikel yang ini juga termasuk dari program review tersebut lho. Jadi aku menulis artikel ini juga dapet bayaran, he..he..

Untuk lebih jelasnya BACA DISINI


Order Flowers Online

Minggu, 06 April 2008
Looking for beautiful quality floral design? Now you can get some beautifull floral design without go out from your home if you have internet connection . Just sit on your seat and put your fingers on keyboard then find online florist on your browser computer. It's really simple, brows about the spesific kind of the flowers you want to order. By a few minutes of transaction then your order will soon be delivered to your place.

There many online florist shop all over the world. But you must be selective to choose an online florist. You must considering of good floral quality, How long it's delivery, and the most important is about it's online security transaction. It can be very frustating if you get a bad floral quality, and it will be more frustating if your order delivered to your place for a long time. If possible choose a company that capable for same day delivery.

You must to find an online florist that give you guarantees and secure online transaction. It will make you feel save to make a transaction. Without guarantees and secure online transaction it will be horrible. It's possible you will lose your money but what you get is nothing. And not only that, it's possible too that your credit card information will be collected to the wrong person. So , be carefull to choose an online florist. Try to find an online florist with agood reputation. If you have any problem, do not hesitate to contact them, By phone or via email.

Alternatif Tempat Hosting Gratis Dan Unlimited?

Sabtu, 05 April 2008
Bagi kamu yang punya web/blog khususnya tentang download-download file seperti Mp3, Video, Ebook dan lain-lain, tentunya membutuhkan layanan hosting untuk menaruh file-file tersebut, dan pastinya pingin yang gratis kan? Nha untuk layanan yang gratis biasanya akan ada kendala2 yang dihadapi, Misalnya :
- Kapasitas penyimpanan yang terbatas.
- Batasan ukuran file yang kecil (biasanya maksimal 5MB).
- Batasan Traffic maksimum
- dll.

Nha sekarang ini ada sebuah layanan yang bisa mengatasi masalah2 tersebut dan tentunya dengan gratis, yaitu ziddu. Apa aja yang didapat dari ziddu tersebut?
- Kapasitas penyimpanan yang tak terbatas. (kamu bisa upload file km sebanyak-banyaknya).
- Batasan ukuran file yang lumayan besar (200 MB).
- Tanpa ada batasan traffic.
- Kamu akan dibayar jika ada yang mendownload file tersebut.
Untuk poin yang terakhir tentunya pada bingung, apa bener kita akan dibayar jika ada yang mendownload file-file kita tersebut? Sekali lagi aku jawab "BENER-BENER DIBAYAR", walaupun sedikit sih yaitu $0.001 per unik download, Tapi lumayan kan, udah gratis malah dibayar lagi. Ini juga bisa menjadi alternatif baru bagi yang pingin mendapatkan dollar lewat blog.
Gimana? Tertarik tidak? Kalo tertarik buruan DAFTAR DISINI.

Special Thanks to Mr. Ali.

Trik dan Tips Yang Berhubungan ;

Domain Dot Com Gratis

Jumat, 04 April 2008
Mungkin in yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh para bloger maupun para insan yang bergentayangan didunia internet. Bagi kamu yang udah bosen memakai domain blabla.blogspot.com , yaitu kita bisa mendapatkan domain dot com (namamu.com) secara geratis. Benarkah ini nyata? Benarkah domain dot com bener-bener gratis? kayaknya sih emang bener-bener nyata dan gratis, soalnya aku sendiri lom nyoba, tapi setelah aku survey di TKP, dan hasilnya... eng..ing..eng.. kalo menurutku sih masuk akal kalo ini bener-bener gratis.

Trus kenapa mereka mau membuatkan domain dot com buat kita? padahal kan domain dot com (top level domain) itu bukan jenis domain gratisan. Gini nih kalo menurut jawabanku, kenapa kita bisa mendapatkan domain dot com gratis karena mereka akan menempatkan iklan/banner di website kita, tapi jangan kuatir bannernya akan ditempatkan dibagian bawah dari web/blog kita. Nha bagaimana? kamu tertarik mau mencobanya? silahkan daftar disini : DOMAIN DOT COM GRATIS. Oh ya ku lupa, ada beberapa persyaratan lagi yang harus dipenuhi, gini nih beberapa persyaratanya :

1. Web/blog harus memiliki postingan minimal 15 perbulan, atau we/blog kamu memiliki pengunjung minimla 100/hari
2. Kamu harus memasang banner mereka di bagian bawah web/blog kamu.
3. Tidak boleh mengandung unsur pornografi.
4. dll

Intinya syaratnya seperti itu. Nah udha nggak sabar ingin mencobanya? silahkan DAFTAR DISINI


Job opportunity as a Pharmacy Technician

Pharmacy technician will soon be regulated profession which will yield added responsibilities, licencing, and new job opportunities. Graduates of the phrmacy technician can find work in commmunity/retail pharmacy, hospital, long-term care pharmacies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, third party insurance companies, government, teaching, etc. So, if you decided your carier as a pharmacy technician it's a good choice.

In hospital, pharmacy technicians generally oversee the operational management of the dispensary and manufacturing units, prescribed medication onto the patient's profile, prepares a 24-hour supply of medicine for each patient, etc. Job duties include providing medication and other health care products to patients. Median hourly earnings of pharmacy technician salary 2002 were $10.70. Depending on your work environment.


Free Download Smile Emoticons

Rabu, 02 April 2008

Cara Membackup Blog

Kamis, 27 Maret 2008
Setelah mengalami kejadian hilangya blog yang kemarin itu, ternyata baru tahu betapa pentingnya untuk membackup blog kita. Setelah mutar-mutar akhirnya nemu juga layanan untuk membackup blog kita, yaitu di blogbackuponline. Dengan layanan ini kita bisa dengan mudah membackup blog kita disana secara gratis. Tapi layanan ini hanya memberikan space sebesar 5 MB (kok sedikit ya).Tapi jangan khawatir walopun cuma 5 MB tapi aku rasa cukup untuk membackup data-data blog kita. Jika kita memposting rata-rata perpostingan itu 1000 karakter, maka itu cukup untuk membackup sampai 5000 postingan, lumayan kan. Tapi untuk yang versi FREE alias gratis kita tidak bisa membackup data berupa gambar dan video. Kita hanya bisa membackup artikel-artikel postingan kita saja.

Gimana? tertarik untuk membackup datamu? Caranya cukup mudah, yaitu:

1. Buka website https://www.blogbackuponline.com dan daftarkan diri kamu disana. Setelah mendaftar kamu akan mendapatkan kiriman email untuk mengaktifkan account km.
2. Kalo sudah aktif login ke website tersebut. Setelah login maka segera registrasikan alamat blogmu yaitu dengan cara mengklik tombol "Start Registering Your Blog".
3. Masukkan alamat blog km dalam kotak yang disediakan, kemudian klik tombol "Register Blog"
4. Setelah itu maka tunggulah proses backupnya. setelah itu pilih tombol "Start Full Backup", Selesai deh.

Trus caranya mengembalikan data kita gimana?
Untuk yang versi bayar, sangat mudah dan bisa dilakukan secara otomatis dengan memencet menu restore. Tapi untuk yang versi GRATIS, kita hanya bisa mendapatkan data-data postingan kita. Caranya masuk ke "Dashboard" trus klik tombol "Manage" setelah itu pilih menu "Content". Nha disitulah semua data-data postinganmu berada. Giamna lumayan kan, daripada harus mengetik ulang ampe membuat tangan gempor mending tinggal copy paste aja. Lagian apa kita ingat semua isi postingan kita? ya to?

OK Selamat Mencoba..........

Artikel yang berhubungan :


Choose a Good Spa and Salon Software

Rabu, 26 Maret 2008
To run a spa or salon business, you need more than a good pair of scissors and the gift of gab. You need software to keep your business running well. You must get efficient salon software. It's the most important decision you will make. Before purchasing salon and spa software you have to know about the software clearly. It can be very frustating if you don't have a program that is userfriendly, has detailed reporting, and good management. It's very very crucial. You need to analyze your client data so you can do the best to them. If your clients feel comfortable with your service it will be a good step to be succeed.

If you haven't computerized your spa and salon yet Salon Software is good to start. It's prized with budget in mind and offers powerfull features such as appointments, Sales Register, Clients file managements, flexible mployees, customize service, Inventory control, custom report, high security, corporate enterprise, and payroll that will allow you to operate your salon and spa effectively. You will get up-to-date report with a comprehensive look at the financial well-being of all aspects of your business at any time.

Salon Software tracks product quantities, sales levels and values, allowing you to evaluate product performance and create an optimal product mix with good margins and the right inventory levels. It also offers preference setting and configuration tool to market your business better. You will be more organized, efficient and productive. So, Software for Salons is a good choice for your salon and spa business.


How much you get earn from adsense?

Jumat, 21 Maret 2008
Adsense lets website owners to make money easily without even selling anything. How much you get earn from adsense? this is a good question, it’s depend on how many visitors come to your site and how many of them whose click on the ads. To get much earn is need a hard effort, hard work, study, research, learning from experience and many more. To get much visitors your site must have good contents. You can write what ever do you like, such as information, hoby, tech, story, tutorial, downloads and everything to attract visitors come to your site as much as possible. Or you can use SEO service to increase traffic of your website.

To get much earning, you need to learn from master adsense from all over the world. You need to read from some experience website that write adsense topics like http://www.shoemoney.com. You will get much usefull tips from them. You can receive a check over $ 132.000 for one month revenue like the shoemoney received. You need much learn to get it. There is no out come coming without doing nothing, it always proceded by effort. Many peaple do any business without learning, They just do it without bullet, or even ask to any body who understand about the subject, but how they can get more outcome.

How about your adsense earning? can you be an adsense millionaires publisher like shoemoney ?. You will inspired to follow their tips and trick to be succeed. You can read and learn from them and follow what they do. It depend on your effort to realize it. What did you do with your adsense, did you leave it without effort or you realy try harder. Doing more and more to make it better

Preparing to Enter IT Careers

Selasa, 18 Maret 2008
The growing of Information technology is amazing. And this make there are so many job opportunities in this field. If you decided to starting a technology career it is a good choice. But remember you must to prepare your self with skills on demands for qualified and certified professionals. And you will get it from a technical schools. Students that graduating with technical degree are easier to get opportunity on this field and typically offered higher starting salaries then students holding other degrees.

Before you enter to the technology industri, it’s important to equipped you with it training. You must to think smart, which of tech schools that will give you the best support to be succeed in your career. And of course you must to search a school that have a certification training. The first step what you should to do is simply select aprogram, review career information, and get started today.

Why You Have to Getting a Degree in Fashion School

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2008
There are many benefits to getting a degree in fashion school. You will interact with many of talent students from all over the world. In California Fashion Schools, you will get new and advance skills from some professional instructors who will teach you. You will provided with the skills and experience you require for your new fashion career. And your skills will more marketable.

California Fashion Schools has many fashion-focused areas, especially Hollywood with its influence on the film industry. Getting degree will help you learn the skills necessary to bloom in the fashion industry. if you are a recent graduate, many job opportunities await for you. Potential employers want to see what you know, and what you can do. Show the best to them.

Chose The Best Fashion School for Your Career

Kamis, 13 Maret 2008
To become a fashion designer needs a specialist skils and experience. And school is the best place to improve it, and to get a degree in a fashion school will be the best start for your career. Fashion school could be the foundation to a great and succesfull career. Althought you have a good skils and talents, but without structured training you will not fullly appreciate and hard to be succeed. Choose fashion school also influence to succeed. You must be carefully to choose the best fashion school for you. There are some factors that must be considered to looking for the good quality of fashion school, because the fashion design school you choose will greatly influence your career later.

You have to choose a fashion school that have a good reputaion and well known in the world of fashion. Place also must to be considered in choosing your fashion design school. Like it's reputation, New York is the good place for improving fashion design skills. People from all over the world look to New York for fashion styles and trends. New York Fashion Schools will be the good choise for you. They will provide all you need in developing of your skill of fashion. You can learn from fashion school such as Drawing, color composition, form, pattern, how to sew and many others thing.

To be succeed and survive in fashion school you must be serious and hard work in your study. You must also spent many times into your studies and practicing of your fashion trade. There are many benefits to getting a degree in New York Fashion Schools. School will prepare for real life business and working strategies that will make you to be succeed in your career. Getting a fashion degree from a good or popular fashion school will also look really good on any resume.


Find Poker Room for Machintos

Do you like to play poker? Now you have more opportunity to play the game because lately so many poker room on the internet. Over the internet, you can play online game poker any time, day or night. You can play against players from oll over the world. You can play for free (just for fun) or for real money (for business).

Right now, There are many internet poker room. But they were only made for Microsoft Windows, It's hard enough looking for internet poker room support for Machintos. Isn't it? and even harder to find one that can be trusted and has a good reputation. Not only that, of course you want to find online poker room that will give you big bonus. If you hard to find it, just visit to this site : http://www.macpokeronline.com. You will get much information over there. macpokeronline.com will give you information regarding online poker and casino games for Macintosh. They also provide an easy beginners guide for free.

If you play for real money then you hard to win and lost a large amount of your money, may be you need poker strategy tips guide. You need to learn how to play winning poker become a poker master. You can find a poker strategy tips here, it's provide many tips for you, you will get guide to become professional poker player.

Cara Menampilkan Recent Post (Postingan Terbaru)

Senin, 10 Maret 2008
Kamu pingin nampilin postingan terbaru (Recent Post) kamu di side bar?
Kalo pingin, beginilah caranya :

1. Login to Blogger kemuduan pilih "Layout"
2. Klik pada "Page Element" trus pilih "Add a Gadget --> HTML/Javascript" (Tempatnya terserah kamu).
3. Copy kode berikut ini dan taruh dalam kotak "content".

<script src="http://www.geocities.com/uddin_81/recent-post.js"></script>
<script>var numposts = 10; var showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 100; </script>
<script src="http://YOURBLOGNAME.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp">

4. Ganti YOURBLOGNAME dengan nama blog kamu.
5. Angka "10" menunjukkan jumlah "Recent Post" yang ditampilkan, kamu bisa menggantinya
6. Terus Simpan.

Nha coba lihat blog kamu, udah nongol kan "Recent Post" kamu...

Cara Membuat Kotak Blogroll dan Marquee

Jumat, 07 Maret 2008
Kali ini aku mau ngejelasin trik kali dengan gaya puisi, biar nggak bosen, tapi jangan diketawain ya, soalnya lom pernah buat puisi nih.

Tatkala link-link jumlahnya sudah berjuta-juta
Maka semakin sesaklah dada blog ini
Jikalau hal ini tidak diatasi dengan bijaksana
Maka blognya dikau akan penuh sesak dengan link-link itu

Udah bagus nggak puisinya? ancur ya? :r Ok lanjuuut.

Oleh karena itulah
hamba memberanikan diri untuk menawarkan obat sesak tersebut
Melalui secuil ilmu berikut
Daku berharap dapat membantu kisanak supaya blognya tidak sesak

Kira-kira pada mudeng nggak ya penjelasan tadi, ah biarin deh :z
:r udah ah, udah mual2 nih pake gaya puici, sekarang ganti gaya biasa aja.

Untuk trik kali ini, ada dua macam kotak blogroll yang akan kita buat, terserah kamu mo pilih yang mana. Kotak blogroll-nya yaitu:

1. Kotak Blogroll Model Textarea

Contohnya seperti kotak blog roll seperti punyaku itu, itu lho yg atasnya ada tulisanya "Friend links"
Nha begini cara membuatnya :
Pasang code berikut ini di kedalam element kamu (Page Elements --> Add a Gadget --> HTML /Javascript)

<div style="border: 1px solid rgb(153, 153, 153);
overflow: auto;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
text-align: center; ">

#link1 <br />
#link2 <br />
#link3 <br />


- Kode width: 200px; dan height: 200px; adalah ukuran lebar dan panjang kotak, kamu bisa merubahnya dan menyesuaikanya dengan ukuran yg kamu suka.
- Ganti tulisan "#link1,#link2, #link3 dst" dengan daftar link-link kamu, oh ya itu juga bisa diisi dengan banner link.
- Jika kamu pingin daftar link-linknya berjajar kayak punyaku, maka hilangkan kode <br />

2. Kotak Blogroll Model Marquee

Kotak ini juga mampu menampung banyak link dalam tempat yang sempit. Namun kotak blog roll ini berbeda dengan kotak yg diatas, karena kotak yang ini tidak memiliki rollbar (yg biasanya disebelah kanan trus ditarik keatas kebawah itu lho). Link-link ato isi didalam kotak ini akan bergerak/berjalan, bisa vertikal ato horizontal. Nah gini nih cara buatnya:
Pasang code berikut ini di kedalam element kamu (Page Elements --> Add a Gadget --> HTML /Javascript)

<MARQUEE align="center" direction="up" height="100" scrollamount= "2" onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start()' width="95%" >

#link1 <br />
#link2 <br />
#link3 <br />
#link...<br />


Keterangan :
- Kode "up" itu menunjukan arah pergerakan, kamu bisa menggantinya dengan down, left, right (udah mudeng to artinya, gak usah dijelasin ya).
- Jika kamu menggantinya dengan pergerakan horizontal (left ato right) maka hilangkan kode <br />.
- Angka "100" menunjukkan tinggi dari kotak blogroll kamu. Semakin banyak angkanya maka semakin tinggi pula ukuran blogroll.


Use SEO Service to Increase Website Traffics

Rabu, 05 Maret 2008
Why SEO is important to your website? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one methods to increase your website traffics fromsearch engine. If you use seo service your website will be search engine friendly, many peaple will visit your website through search engine with most valuable keyword on your page. seo service will ensuring that your website content is easily discovered, analyzed and indexed by various search engine robots, crawlers and spiders. Seo service can make your web pages more easily read by search engine and their crawling and indexing software.

Why search engine is important to your website? If you have a website and your website is not search engine frindly or even not indexed in any of search engine, I sure your website will gets low traffic, and your business will not be survive for very long in this situation. How many people that will remember to your website name? no many, potential customers might not even now that your website sxists. But if your website is can be easily found from search engine, I sure your website visittors will explode and it will develope your business. Potential customers may be will type e keyword that they wanna find about, and immediately find a listing for your company's website. Now you know that search engine is very important.

if you want your website is searchable by search engine, seo service is a great solution for you. SEO service can give more benefits to your site, it would really increase the traffic of your website. If you decided to use seo service to your website, choose seo service that give you guarantee, I suggest you to join Integrated Digital Production SEO Service, this company offer good guarantee. They said "If we can�t position your website on your most valuable keyword on the first page of the search engine within 12 months, we will continue working on your SEO for FREE until we fulfil this promise", I think it's great guarantee. IDP seo service have many professional SEO Specialist, each and every SEO Specialist understands how to achieve results for their clients and continuously work to analyse and improve ranking and direct valuable traffic to their clients� websites. If you join, you will have a team of highly trained SEO specialists, dedicated to improving your website ranking and positioning. You will get report tracks any changes in your website positioning and keyword popularity on a monthly basis. And you will automatically receive an access to Google Analytics to track your visitors and watch your website statistics on a everyday.

So, SEO service is the best solution for you, if you wanna get huge traffics for your website, and certainly it will make your business succesfully.


Menambah Emoticon di Shoutbox

Minggu, 02 Maret 2008
Apa kamu bosan dengan emoticon yang ada di shoutbox kamu? Nha biar nggak bosan kamu bisa menambahkan sendiri icon-icon (emoticon) kesayangan kamu kedalam shoutbox blog kamu. Mau tahu caranya? begini nih cara nya...
Oh ya, trik yang ini hanya untuk yang menggunakan shoutbox dari shoutmix.

Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :
1. Login ke shoutmix.com
2. Trus di daerah menu "Display", klik link "Smileys"
3. Nha nanti kamu akan menjumpai tampilan seperti ini :

4. Untuk manambahkannya masukkan alamt icon kamu kedalam kotak "Smile image URL", kalo kamu tidak punya iconnya atau alamatnya kamu bisa gunakan alamat icon2 dibawah ini.
5. Trus masukkan "kode" (shorcut) kedalam kotak disebelahnya trus klik tombol "ADD"
6. Lakukan terus seperti itu sampai semua icon smile yang kamu inginkan masuk dalam daftar.
7. Kalo sudah klik tombol "Save Setting"

Nha coba kamu lihat blog kamu, trus lihat dishoutboxnya maka kamu sudah punya tambahan emoticon dalm shoutbox kamu.

Berikut ini daftar emoticon beserta alamat URL-nya :


Oh ya lupa, maksimal icon smile yg dapat kita tambahkan adalah 10 biji, ini buat yg gratisan, kalo buat yg premium bisa nyampe 500 biji.

Cara Menampilkan Status Off/Online Yahoo Messenger

Rabu, 27 Februari 2008
Dalam trik kali ini kita akan coba membahas tentang "Bagaimana Caranya Menampilkan Status Offline/Online Yahoo Messenger". Trus fungsinya apa nih? gini, kalo ada misalnya ada penandanya seperti itu kan nanti pengunjung blogmu akan bisa langsung berinteraksi langsung denganmu, nha kalo gitu kan nanti pengunjung blogmu jadi tambah sayang ma kamu :p
Ok Langsung aja, Contohnya akan seperti ini, jika status kamu offline maka gambarnya akan seperti ini :

trus jika kamu online maka iconya akan berubah seperti ini:

Cara buatnya sangat gampang kamu tinggal copy script berikut ini trus kamu pasang di sidebar kamu, udah tahu kan cara pasanganya, itu lho seperti kalo km masang "page element", Masuk ke "Page Element" trus "Add a Gadget --> HTML/Javascript".

<a href="ymsgr:sendIM?paijo"> <img src="http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=paijo&amp;m=g&amp;t=2&amp;l=us"/>

Ganti text yang warna merah (paijo) dengan id YM kamu.
perhatikan angka "2", itu bisa kamu ganti dengan angka yang lain dan hasilnya gambar yang ditampilkan akan berbeda-beda.

Piye? gampang to?

Cara Membuat Menu DTree

Minggu, 24 Februari 2008
Apa itu menu Dtree (D-Tree) ? itu lho menu yang memiliki struktur seperti pohon, yang punya cabang-cabang itu lho, Seperti kalo kita membuka Windows Explorer. Menu yang seperti gambar dibawah ini atau seperti contoh ini.

Menu Dtree ini sangat berguna jika kamu memiliki postingan yang buanyak, karena dengan menggunakan menu Dtree maka akan bisa menghemat space/ruang yang ada di blogmu. Nah kamu pingin tahu cara membuatnya?

Beginilah cara membuatnya :

1. Login to Blogger, trus pilih "Layout --> Edit HTML"
2. Taruh kode berikut ini diatas kode <head>

<link rel="StyleSheet" href="http://www.geocities.com/uddin_81/dtree.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.geocities.com/uddin_81/dtree.js"></script>

3. Trus Klik Tombol "Save

4. Setelah itu copy kode berikut ini dan pasang di sidebar kamu, udah tahu tho cara pasangnya? itu lho di menu "Page Element" trus klik "Add a Gadget --> HTML/Javascript". Inolah script yang harus kamu copy di sidebar kamu.

<div class="dtree">
<script type="text/javascript">
d = new dTree('d');
d.add(0,-1,'My example tree');
d.add(1,0,'Node 1','link.html');
d.add(2,1,'Node 1.1','link.html');
d.add(3,2,'Node 1.1.1','link.html');
d.add(5,0,'Node 2','link.html');
d.add(6,5,'Node 2.1','link.html');
d.add(7,5,'Node 2.2','link.html');
d.add(8,0,'Node 3','link.html');
d.add(9,0,'Node 5','link.html');

berikut ini keteranganya:
- Ganti tulisan "link.html" dengan link kamu (judul posting kamu).
- Angka yang pertama harus unik tidak boleh ada yang sama (d.add(1,0,�Node 1�,�link.html�);
- Angka yang kedua merupakan cabang dari angka pertama (perhatikan angka-angka yang memiliki warna sama).

- Kamu bisa mengganti icon-iconnya dengan icon kamu sendiri, contoh scriptnya akan seperti ini:


Ganti text "http://kendhin.890m.com/dtree/trash.gif" dengan alamat gambar kamu. contohnya akan seperti ini :

Nha gampang tho .....

Cara Menuliskan Script/Kode Dalam Artikel Blog

Kamis, 21 Februari 2008
Untuk menuliskan script/kode kedalam artikel blog memang ada tekniknya sendiri, karena jika kita menuliskannya dengan cara yang biasa maka yang akan muncul kemudian di blog tidaklah seperti dengan apa yang kita tuliskan. Misalnya gini, jika kita menuliskan kode <head> dengan cara yang biasa maka hasilnya tidak akan muncul dalam postingan karena kode tersebut langsung diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa HTML. Jadi untuk menuliskan kode <head>, maka yang seharusnya dituliskan supaya bisa muncul kode tersebut adalah ini &lt;head&gt;. Nah terus bagaimana kalau ada banyak kode yang harus kita posting?
Mau tahu bagaimana caranya menuliskan kode2/script2 tersebut ke dalam blog?

Ada beberapa cara untuk menuliskan kode-kode tersebut kedalam blog, diantaranya yaitu:

Cara Pertama :
- Gunakan software-software web design, misalnya Macromedia Dreamwaver, Microsoft Frontpage, Namao Web Editor. Atau bisa juga dengan software-software blogtools seperti post2blog dll.
- Trus tuliskan semua kode pada area design, kemudian copy kode-kode tersebut dari area HTML Code. Nha kode-kode dalam area HTML Code tersebut lah yang harus diposting.

Cara Kedua :
- Tuliskan semua kode/script ke dalam notepad
- Kemudian ganti/replace kode-kode berikut

Kode Pengganti
- Udah tahu kan caranya mereplace di notepad? itu lho dengan memilih menu edit --> replace kemudian pada kotak yang muncul masukkan kode yg akan direplace pada kolom "Find what" trus masukkan kode pengantinya pada kolom "Replace with"trus tekan tombol Replace All.
- Nha kalo udah semua baru kamu copy semua kode yang udah direplace all tadi, trus kamu masukkan kedalam postingan kamu.

Cara Ketiga :
- Buka situs ini http://centricle.com/tools/html-entities, trus isikan kode-kode kamu kedalam kotak yang disediakan, nha kalo sudah tekan tombol "Encode", nha maka kamu akan mendapatkan script baru untuk diposting di blog kamu.

Piye? Gampang to? gitu aja kok repot.....