Hati-Hati Penipuan Dari Western Union Lewat Email

Jumat, 20 April 2012
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Hati-Hati Penipuan Dari Western Union - Jika Kamu menerima email dari manapun dan mengatasnamakan Western Union, hati-hatilah dengan email tersebut,bisa-bisa kamu jadi korban penipuan, teliti dulu sebelum melakukan tindakan dan jangan lupa baca dan terjemahkan email yg mengatasnamakan Western Union itu, dan coba periksa di Western Union yg aslinya, seperti saya beberapa hari menerima sebuah email yg mengaku Western Union yg berasal dari nigeria yg telah meengirimi saya sebesar $5000, jgn cepat percaya bro..contoh kirimannya seperti dibawah ini :

Good Day Beneficiary,

I write to inform you that we have been given the mandate to transfer your
full compensation payment of $1,800,000.00 USD via western union by this

We tried to give you the Western Union Instructions through phone, but we
could not locate your numbers in our database to reach you last week even
this morning.

So, I decided to email you the MTCN and Sender Names so that you can pick
up the USD5,000.00 to enable us send another USD5,000.00 by tomorrow as
you knows we will be sending you only USD5,000.00 per day.

Please pick up this information and run to any western union in your country
to pick up the USD5,000.00 and send us email back to send you another payment

Manager Mr. James Mark
Email: westerunionoffice3339@yahoo.com.hk

email us once you picked up this USD5,000.00 today.

Here is the western union information to pick up the USD5,000.00,

MTCN : 6221554897
Sender's Name: George Festus
Question: Honest
Amount: 5,000.00USD

I am waiting for your email once you pick up USD5,000.00,

Mr. James Mark
Western Union Online Coordinator

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

AWASS....!!!banyak hal yang orang lakukan untuk menipu korbanya...semoga bermanfaat

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