Debt Consolidation and Debt Settlement

Rabu, 25 Juni 2008
The multiple options available to consolidate ones debts can be quite confusing, credit counseling programs, debt settlement, debt consolidation loans, bankruptcy are just a few options available today. Trying to find the best option to suit your current financial situation can be a difficult task. Consolidating all your debt into one monthly bill may seem like a great way to take control of your debt, it can reduce your debt by 40-60% of the current total. But you must be very careful. There is a very high chance that you could end up in even deeper debt!. Debt consolidation can simply be from a number of unsecured loans into another unsecured loan, but more often it involves a secured loan against an asset that serves as collateral, most commonly a house. In this case, a mortgage is secured against the house. So you have to choose trusted company that offer debt consolidation programs.

There are other alternatives to a debt consolidation loan, where unsecured debt is not "shifted" to secured debt, but is eliminated through a settlement or payment plan. Debt Settlement is the fastest and least expensive option to get out of debt without filing bankruptcy. Debt Settlement also known as Debt Negotiation is the most cost-effective option to pay off your debts and relieve you of having to file bankruptcy. Debt Settlement is a proactive approach for debtors experiencing the stress of to much debt.

You also can consolidate your credit card with Credit Card Debt Consolidation Programs. For years, card issuers have spent billions of marketing dollars inundating us with �pre-approved� offers for credit cards with low rates, mileage, bonus points and other attractive perks. Many cardholders are overspending; others have found themselves caught in a predicament that requires them to use their credit cards to make ends meet.

Membuat Artikel yg Berhubungan (Related Post)

Rabu, 18 Juni 2008
Keuntungan menampilkan "Artikel yang berhubungan" atau "Related Post", "Related Article" adalah para pembaca blog bisa dengan mudah menemukan informasi lain yang masih ada hubungannya dengan artikel yg sedang mereka baca. Contohnya seperti yang ada dibagian akhir dari artikel ini, disitu ada link-link dari artikel yang berhubungan yang berdasarkan pada kategori ato label yang sama. Nha mau tahu cara membuatnya?

Caranya cukup mudah, ikuti langkah2 berikut ini:
1. Login ke blogger Blogger
2. Pilih menu "Layout-->Edit HTML"
3. Beri tanda centang pada kotak "Expand Widgets Template".
4. Kemudian download "SCRIPT INI"
5. Buka file tersebut kemudian copy semua script yang ada didalamnya.
6. Setelah itu cari kode ini <data:post.body/> dan letakkan script tadi dibawahnya. Untuk blog yang ada "readmore"nya biasanya akan terdapat 2 kode. Nha km taruhnya dabawah kode yang pertama.
7. Kalo sudah simpan template km dan lihat hasilnya.

Setelah jadi, jika kamu ingin merubah tulisan "Related Posts by Categories" maka cari kode tersebut di HTML, trus ganti dengan text/tulisan yg kamu suka.

Cara Mudah Membuat Banner

Sabtu, 14 Juni 2008
Untuk membuat banner (Link Baner) tentunya merupakan hal yang mudah bagi yang mengerti software2 desain seperti Adobe Photoshop, Image Ready, Corel Draw dll. Tapi bagi yang tidak tahu dengan software2 tersebut pastilah merasa sulit. Tapi jangan kawatir dan jangan berkecil hati, berikut ini akan aku tunjukkan cara yang mudah untuk membuat link banner tanpa harus mengerti software2 desain. Hanya dengan memilih dan sedikit otak-atik maka kamu nantinya bisa memiliki link banner yang cukup menarik. Mau tahu caranya?

Cara membuatnya sangat mudah, yaitu:
1. Buka situs http://cooltext.com
2. Disana nanti akan langsung terpampang macam-macam banner yang disediakan. Kamu tinggal pilih baner yang kamu suka.
3. Setelah itu akan muncul fomr untuk menstting banner yang telah km pilih tadi. Kamu bisa mensetting textnya, warna text, warna background, ukuran, effect, dll.
4. Kalo sudah merasa cocok lalu klik tombol "Rander Logo"
5. Tunggu sebentar sampai proses rendering selesai.
6. Maka bannermu akan langsung jadi, km bisa mengambilnya dengan mengklik link "Download Image". dan simpan banner kamu.
7. Biasanya file bannernya akan berupa file gif.

Setelah km mendapatkan bannernya maka langkah selanjutnya supaya bannernya bisa kamu pasang yaitu dengan menguyplaod file tadi ke webhosting. Kamu bisa menguplaodnya di photobucket.com. disanan nanti kamu akan mendapat link untuk banner kamu.

Trus untuk memasang supaya bisa menjadi seperti yang ada dibawah ini, maka ikutilah langkah TUTORIAL INI

Trik-Tips Blog


AIMpromote CRM Software

Jumat, 13 Juni 2008
AIMpromote is a lead management CRM Software to manage the handling of sales leads. It is essentially a CRM, but is focused particularly on handling leads. As the technology leader in sales lead management, AIMpromote is setting new standards in online sales management software and is changing the way that businesses are managing their sales teams. AIMpromote lead management system can help your sales team improve their close ratio, increase sales, and boost overall profitability. They have the most feature-rich lead management solution available. Every feature is available in every service package such as Sales Lead Management, Marketing Automation, User Management, Support, Website Intregation, and reporting.

Every service package have interesting fetures, for example, in Website Intregation package you will find Visitors Tracking and Web Analytics feature. The AIMpromote lead management and visitor tracking system You will know more about every visitor that comes to your site than ever before. Web analytics allow you to track the effectiveness of your internet marketing campaigns with tremendous precision. Not only does AIMprmote track and display data for all the visitors, but it displays tracking data for each visitor who fills ou t the feedback form on your site. There are more of information you can get online about various CRM Software and the features they have to offer. There is simply no sales lead management solution on the market today that offers the rich feature set of AIMpromote. AIMpromote is the best choice for increasing sales and improving business intelligence. You will love the way their system automatically manages all the accounting, and your customers will love the full lead management system that you can provide to them. Take your business to the next level, and start competing with the large lead vendors now.


The Advantage of LookupPage

Minggu, 08 Juni 2008
Searching in Internet with search engine is becoming almost second nature now days. Finding information, finding jobs, people search, etc is commonly use search engine. Google and the other search engines pick up and store huge amounts of data covering almost any information ever published and posted on the web, so there is a good chance that you will learn something about the person you�re interested in through previously published press releases, company websites, online social or business networks and blogs. Looking up a name on a search engine takes only a few seconds, so exercising minimal effort can help you learn a lot about any person of interest.

LookupPage is a powerful marketing tool that helps you promote your name on the web, manage the information people see about you, promote your professional web presence, control your online identity, and get top ranking on major search engines such as Google yahoo, MSN and many more. The LookupPage product will make sure you have great visibility across the web and that you are prominently presented on the major search engines whenever your name is being searched online. Why do you need your So it's important to make your personal web page? It's for people who do not know you will be able to find the most relevant and reliable information about you when they "look you up". you will be able to update and control some of the information available to the public about you.


Web Hosting Gratis Tanpa Iklan

Sabtu, 07 Juni 2008
Di dunia internet, webhosting sangat penting sekali karena disinilah tempat untuk menaruh data-data atau file-file yang digunakan dalam web. Web hosting ini ada yang gratis namun ada juga yang harus bayar. Setiap provider webhosting biasanya memberikan penawaran yang berbeda mulai dari kapasitas, bandwith, feature2 dan lain2. NHa berdasarkan dari pengalamanku selama ini ada sebuah provider webhosting yang benar-benar membuatku terkesan, yaitu di 000webhost

Free Web Hosting with Website Builder

000webhost menawarkan feature2 yang menggiurkan, yaitu:

- Kapasitas 250 MB
- Data Transfer 100GB
- Support PHP dan MySQL
- cPanel Control Panel
- Fantastico De Luxe 1-Click Autoinstaller
- Website Builder Software
- Tanpa Banner/iklan

Dengan feature2 seperti itu, kita bahkan tidak diwajibkan memasang banner mereka seperti halnya pada webhosting2 yang lain, alias no force ads or banners. maka 000webhost menjadi salah satu pilihan webhosting yang sangat menarik. Bahkan untuk webhosting yang bayarannya mahal pun belum tentu bisa mendapatkan fasilitas seperti diatas. Oleh karena bagi kamu yang pingin membuat web site maka 000webhost merupakan pilihan yang layak untuk dicoba.

Oh ya, kata mereka, kita bisa mendapatkan webhosting ini secara gratis untuk selamanya, wuih.... top abis deh.

An Online Beauty Contest for Anybody

Kamis, 05 Juni 2008
If you have good looking face this will be a good opportunity for you. You can winning winning a 10.000 USD price or get spotted by an agency for model career by joining in http://www.lookoftheyear.com. Look of the Year is unique! An online beauty contest for anybody � not just a chosen few, but everybody who wants to join. And the judges is every body who surfs onto http://www.lookoftheyear.com and votes Look Of The Year are looking for people from all over the world to send in their best pictures. So use this chance to be the next model working in Paris, New York or Milan. Join Look of the Year today and start your new life together with beautiful people from all over the world.


Join Bloggerwave to Get More Revenue

Selasa, 03 Juni 2008
Do you have a blog? you can make money with your blog by joining such as pay per post program. It's an easy methods to get dollars. By writing some reviews of products you will be paid some dollars for your effort. Recently I am trying to join Bloggerwave. I think BloggerWave is a good choice for a newbie like me. No need much time to get your blogs approved, and one thing I like is, we can register our blogs until 5 blogs, only with one account.