Order Flowers Online

Minggu, 06 April 2008
Looking for beautiful quality floral design? Now you can get some beautifull floral design without go out from your home if you have internet connection . Just sit on your seat and put your fingers on keyboard then find online florist on your browser computer. It's really simple, brows about the spesific kind of the flowers you want to order. By a few minutes of transaction then your order will soon be delivered to your place.

There many online florist shop all over the world. But you must be selective to choose an online florist. You must considering of good floral quality, How long it's delivery, and the most important is about it's online security transaction. It can be very frustating if you get a bad floral quality, and it will be more frustating if your order delivered to your place for a long time. If possible choose a company that capable for same day delivery.

You must to find an online florist that give you guarantees and secure online transaction. It will make you feel save to make a transaction. Without guarantees and secure online transaction it will be horrible. It's possible you will lose your money but what you get is nothing. And not only that, it's possible too that your credit card information will be collected to the wrong person. So , be carefull to choose an online florist. Try to find an online florist with agood reputation. If you have any problem, do not hesitate to contact them, By phone or via email.

Alternatif Tempat Hosting Gratis Dan Unlimited?

Sabtu, 05 April 2008
Bagi kamu yang punya web/blog khususnya tentang download-download file seperti Mp3, Video, Ebook dan lain-lain, tentunya membutuhkan layanan hosting untuk menaruh file-file tersebut, dan pastinya pingin yang gratis kan? Nha untuk layanan yang gratis biasanya akan ada kendala2 yang dihadapi, Misalnya :
- Kapasitas penyimpanan yang terbatas.
- Batasan ukuran file yang kecil (biasanya maksimal 5MB).
- Batasan Traffic maksimum
- dll.

Nha sekarang ini ada sebuah layanan yang bisa mengatasi masalah2 tersebut dan tentunya dengan gratis, yaitu ziddu. Apa aja yang didapat dari ziddu tersebut?
- Kapasitas penyimpanan yang tak terbatas. (kamu bisa upload file km sebanyak-banyaknya).
- Batasan ukuran file yang lumayan besar (200 MB).
- Tanpa ada batasan traffic.
- Kamu akan dibayar jika ada yang mendownload file tersebut.
Untuk poin yang terakhir tentunya pada bingung, apa bener kita akan dibayar jika ada yang mendownload file-file kita tersebut? Sekali lagi aku jawab "BENER-BENER DIBAYAR", walaupun sedikit sih yaitu $0.001 per unik download, Tapi lumayan kan, udah gratis malah dibayar lagi. Ini juga bisa menjadi alternatif baru bagi yang pingin mendapatkan dollar lewat blog.
Gimana? Tertarik tidak? Kalo tertarik buruan DAFTAR DISINI.

Special Thanks to Mr. Ali.

Trik dan Tips Yang Berhubungan ;

Domain Dot Com Gratis

Jumat, 04 April 2008
Mungkin in yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh para bloger maupun para insan yang bergentayangan didunia internet. Bagi kamu yang udah bosen memakai domain blabla.blogspot.com , yaitu kita bisa mendapatkan domain dot com (namamu.com) secara geratis. Benarkah ini nyata? Benarkah domain dot com bener-bener gratis? kayaknya sih emang bener-bener nyata dan gratis, soalnya aku sendiri lom nyoba, tapi setelah aku survey di TKP, dan hasilnya... eng..ing..eng.. kalo menurutku sih masuk akal kalo ini bener-bener gratis.

Trus kenapa mereka mau membuatkan domain dot com buat kita? padahal kan domain dot com (top level domain) itu bukan jenis domain gratisan. Gini nih kalo menurut jawabanku, kenapa kita bisa mendapatkan domain dot com gratis karena mereka akan menempatkan iklan/banner di website kita, tapi jangan kuatir bannernya akan ditempatkan dibagian bawah dari web/blog kita. Nha bagaimana? kamu tertarik mau mencobanya? silahkan daftar disini : DOMAIN DOT COM GRATIS. Oh ya ku lupa, ada beberapa persyaratan lagi yang harus dipenuhi, gini nih beberapa persyaratanya :

1. Web/blog harus memiliki postingan minimal 15 perbulan, atau we/blog kamu memiliki pengunjung minimla 100/hari
2. Kamu harus memasang banner mereka di bagian bawah web/blog kamu.
3. Tidak boleh mengandung unsur pornografi.
4. dll

Intinya syaratnya seperti itu. Nah udha nggak sabar ingin mencobanya? silahkan DAFTAR DISINI


Job opportunity as a Pharmacy Technician

Pharmacy technician will soon be regulated profession which will yield added responsibilities, licencing, and new job opportunities. Graduates of the phrmacy technician can find work in commmunity/retail pharmacy, hospital, long-term care pharmacies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, third party insurance companies, government, teaching, etc. So, if you decided your carier as a pharmacy technician it's a good choice.

In hospital, pharmacy technicians generally oversee the operational management of the dispensary and manufacturing units, prescribed medication onto the patient's profile, prepares a 24-hour supply of medicine for each patient, etc. Job duties include providing medication and other health care products to patients. Median hourly earnings of pharmacy technician salary 2002 were $10.70. Depending on your work environment.


Free Download Smile Emoticons

Rabu, 02 April 2008

Cara Membackup Blog

Kamis, 27 Maret 2008
Setelah mengalami kejadian hilangya blog yang kemarin itu, ternyata baru tahu betapa pentingnya untuk membackup blog kita. Setelah mutar-mutar akhirnya nemu juga layanan untuk membackup blog kita, yaitu di blogbackuponline. Dengan layanan ini kita bisa dengan mudah membackup blog kita disana secara gratis. Tapi layanan ini hanya memberikan space sebesar 5 MB (kok sedikit ya).Tapi jangan khawatir walopun cuma 5 MB tapi aku rasa cukup untuk membackup data-data blog kita. Jika kita memposting rata-rata perpostingan itu 1000 karakter, maka itu cukup untuk membackup sampai 5000 postingan, lumayan kan. Tapi untuk yang versi FREE alias gratis kita tidak bisa membackup data berupa gambar dan video. Kita hanya bisa membackup artikel-artikel postingan kita saja.

Gimana? tertarik untuk membackup datamu? Caranya cukup mudah, yaitu:

1. Buka website https://www.blogbackuponline.com dan daftarkan diri kamu disana. Setelah mendaftar kamu akan mendapatkan kiriman email untuk mengaktifkan account km.
2. Kalo sudah aktif login ke website tersebut. Setelah login maka segera registrasikan alamat blogmu yaitu dengan cara mengklik tombol "Start Registering Your Blog".
3. Masukkan alamat blog km dalam kotak yang disediakan, kemudian klik tombol "Register Blog"
4. Setelah itu maka tunggulah proses backupnya. setelah itu pilih tombol "Start Full Backup", Selesai deh.

Trus caranya mengembalikan data kita gimana?
Untuk yang versi bayar, sangat mudah dan bisa dilakukan secara otomatis dengan memencet menu restore. Tapi untuk yang versi GRATIS, kita hanya bisa mendapatkan data-data postingan kita. Caranya masuk ke "Dashboard" trus klik tombol "Manage" setelah itu pilih menu "Content". Nha disitulah semua data-data postinganmu berada. Giamna lumayan kan, daripada harus mengetik ulang ampe membuat tangan gempor mending tinggal copy paste aja. Lagian apa kita ingat semua isi postingan kita? ya to?

OK Selamat Mencoba..........

Artikel yang berhubungan :


Choose a Good Spa and Salon Software

Rabu, 26 Maret 2008
To run a spa or salon business, you need more than a good pair of scissors and the gift of gab. You need software to keep your business running well. You must get efficient salon software. It's the most important decision you will make. Before purchasing salon and spa software you have to know about the software clearly. It can be very frustating if you don't have a program that is userfriendly, has detailed reporting, and good management. It's very very crucial. You need to analyze your client data so you can do the best to them. If your clients feel comfortable with your service it will be a good step to be succeed.

If you haven't computerized your spa and salon yet Salon Software is good to start. It's prized with budget in mind and offers powerfull features such as appointments, Sales Register, Clients file managements, flexible mployees, customize service, Inventory control, custom report, high security, corporate enterprise, and payroll that will allow you to operate your salon and spa effectively. You will get up-to-date report with a comprehensive look at the financial well-being of all aspects of your business at any time.

Salon Software tracks product quantities, sales levels and values, allowing you to evaluate product performance and create an optimal product mix with good margins and the right inventory levels. It also offers preference setting and configuration tool to market your business better. You will be more organized, efficient and productive. So, Software for Salons is a good choice for your salon and spa business.


How much you get earn from adsense?

Jumat, 21 Maret 2008
Adsense lets website owners to make money easily without even selling anything. How much you get earn from adsense? this is a good question, it’s depend on how many visitors come to your site and how many of them whose click on the ads. To get much earn is need a hard effort, hard work, study, research, learning from experience and many more. To get much visitors your site must have good contents. You can write what ever do you like, such as information, hoby, tech, story, tutorial, downloads and everything to attract visitors come to your site as much as possible. Or you can use SEO service to increase traffic of your website.

To get much earning, you need to learn from master adsense from all over the world. You need to read from some experience website that write adsense topics like http://www.shoemoney.com. You will get much usefull tips from them. You can receive a check over $ 132.000 for one month revenue like the shoemoney received. You need much learn to get it. There is no out come coming without doing nothing, it always proceded by effort. Many peaple do any business without learning, They just do it without bullet, or even ask to any body who understand about the subject, but how they can get more outcome.

How about your adsense earning? can you be an adsense millionaires publisher like shoemoney ?. You will inspired to follow their tips and trick to be succeed. You can read and learn from them and follow what they do. It depend on your effort to realize it. What did you do with your adsense, did you leave it without effort or you realy try harder. Doing more and more to make it better