Registrasi Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.05 Build 10 Full Patch

Senin, 04 April 2011
IDM 6.05 Build 10 kini telah hadir dari versi sebelumnya yaitu IDM 6.05 Build 8. Setelah anda mengupdate dari IDM 6.05 Build 8 ke IDM 6.05 Build 10 pasti meminta registrasi. Nah sekarang saya akan menjelaskan kepada teman-teman bagaimana registrasi IDM 6.05 Build 10. Kita gunakan patch untuk registrasi. Mari kita lihat langkah-langkahnya.

1. Jika anda belum mempunyai IDM 6.05 Build 10 silahkan download disini.

2. Setelah terdownload, instal seperti biasanya. Maka Otomatis IDM akan meminta registrasi. Abaikan saja.
3. Download Patch IDM.

Download Via Ziddu
RAR Password : didid.irmawan

4. Jangan dulu dibuka Patch IDM

5. Masuk ke Folder IDM yang telah terinstal di komputer anda. Lihat gambar.

6. Seperti pada gambar di atas copy dan paste Patch IDM ke dalam folder Internet Download Manager yang telah terinstal di komputer anda.
7. Buka Patch IDM. Terlihat seperti gambar di bawah ini.

8. Klik pada Patch Server Check dan otomatis IDM anda telah teregistrasi.

Sekian tips dari saya semoga bermanfaat
Thank to all.

Cara Hack Facebook Menggunakan software Facebook Hacker 1.7 by Tn Hacker Zied 2011

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Software ini merupakan software hacker facebook yang dibuat bersamaan dengan software Facebook Hacker 1.7 By The Joker dan Data Analys Repaire By Mirel. Software ini diprotect dengan password sehingga untuk dapat menggunakan software ini harus mengetahui passwordnya terlebih dahulu. Silahkan didownload.

Download Via Ziddu

Virus scan


---15.7 MB---


Saya sendiri belum mengetahui password untuk membuka software ini, oleh karena itu untuk teman-teman yang telah mengetahui password dari software ini silahkan dishare di blog ini. Terima kasih.

Thank to google, thank to Hacker Zmaim and Hacker Zied.

Passwordnya silahkan dilihat di menu Password.


Warnet cleaner, untuk membuka registry editor, task manager, DLL.

Bagi agan - agan yang tidak bisa membuka command prompt, control panel, registry editor, run, task manager. agan - agan bisa menggunakan aplikasi yang satu ini, namanya Warnet cleaner, yakin 100% pasti pasti command prompt, control panel, registry editor, run, task manager agan - agan terbuka, nih gan screenshot aplikasinya:

Cara penggunaanya: masukkan nomor 1/2/3/4/5 di kotak tersebut lalu ok ok saja, pasti akan terbuka command prompt/ control panel/ registry editor/ run/ task managernya.

Catatan: aplikasi ini memang ukurannya kecil, sekitar 5 kb-an lah, tapi agan - agan jangan berprasangka buruk dulu, aplikasi ini tidak mengandung virus, Thanks.

Password RAR: www.xversailez.blogspot.com

Work 100% test by me...
semoga bermanfaat. ^_^

Recover Gmail Accounts

Gmail Hacked?It can be a real nightmare if someone hacks and takes control of your email account as it may contain confidential information like bank logins, credit card details and other sensitive data.

If you are one such Internet user whose email account has been compromised, then this post will surely help you out. In this post you will find the possible ways and procedures to get back your hacked email account.

For Gmail:

It can be a big disaster if your Gmail account has been compromised as it may be associated with several services like Blogger, Analytics, Adwords, Adsense, Orkut etc. Losing access to your Gmail account means losing access to all the services associated it with too. Here is a list of possible recovery actions that you can try.

Step -1: Try resetting your password since it is the easiest way to get your account back in action. In this process Google may ask you to answer the secret question or may send the password reset details to the secondary email address associated with your compromised account. You can reset you password from the following link

Gmail Password Reset Link

If you cannot find success from the Step-1 then proceed to Step-2.

Many times the hacker will change the secret question and secondary email address right after the account is compromised. This is the reason for the Password Reset process to fail. If this is the case then you need to contact the Gmail support team by filling out the account recovery form. This form will ask you to fill out several questions like

1. Email addresses of up to five frequently emailed contacts

2. Names of any 4 Labels that you may have created in your account

3. List of other services associated with your compromised account

4. Your last successful login date

5. Account created date

6. Last password that you remember and many more�
You need to fill out this form as much accurately as possible. It is obvious to forget the dates of last login, account creation and similar terms. However you need to figure out the closest possible date/answers and fill out this form. This is your last chance! The more accurate the information filled out in the recovery form, the more the chances of getting your account back. You may reach the account recovery page form the following link

Account Recovery Form
Sumber : http://hackmyass.wordpress.com/


Cara Membuka File RAR yang Terkunci Menggunakan Software RAR Password Unlocker 2011

RAR Password Unlocker adalah sebuah software gratis yang fungsinya membuka file RAR yang terkunci. Software ini menggunakan brute force password recovery yang dapat membantu anda memulihkan file RAR yang terkunci dan yang tidak mudah membukanya.

RAR Password Unlocker dapat bekerja pada berbagai sistem operasi mulai dari Windows 98, Windows xp, Windows 7 dan lain-lain. Kapasitas software ini 588 KB, sangat kecil dan mudah diinstal. Silahkan didownload.

Download Via Ziddu
RAR Password : didid.irmawan
Virus scan  

Cara menggunakan :
Buka RAR Password Unlocker dan instal seperti biasanya, setelah itu maka program tersebut akan terbuka. Klik select untuk mencari file RAR yang anda inginkan tentunya file tersebut terkunci, kemudian klik select yang terdapat di bawahnya lagi untuk mencari tempat dimana Password akan tersimpan, Password yang tersimpan berupa Notepad.
Harus diingat bahwa RAR Password Unlocker hanya dapat digunakan di file berupa type RAR.
Sedikit tips dari saya semoga bermanfaat buat teman-teman.
Thank to google.


Cara Hack Facebook Tanpa Menggunakan Software Part II 2011

Sabtu, 02 April 2011
Cara yang satu ini cukup sulit, susah dan perlu banyak waktu untuk bisa mencapai puncak dari cara ini. Tetapi tidak ada salahnya teman-teman mencoba. Pertama-tama yang teman-teman harus lakukan adalah mengetahui informasi tentang orang yang akan dihack facebooknya misalnya Email.

Adapun syarat-syarat yang harus teman-teman punuhi yaitu harus mempunyai 3 facebook atau lebih yang telah berteman dengan si korban. Ini berguna untuk mengirim kode yang berjumlah 3 buah kode ke 3 buah facebook tema-teman. Jika syarat-syarat telah dipenuhi, mari kita ke langkah selanjutnya.

Step by step.
1. Login facebook menggunakan email korban. Ketik sembarang password, maka akan terlihat halaman salah login.
2. Masukan sembarang kata sandi terus menerus sampai terlihat halaman di bawah ini. Klik ini saya.

3. Klik Atur ulang kata sandi.

4. Pada halaman ini, hilangkan tanda contreng di semua email korban dan klik Tidak punya akses ke sini lagi. Lihat.

5. Nah pada tahap ini, masukan email anda yang belum terdaftar di facebook. Ingat email yang belum terdaftar di facebook.

6. Lihat tulisan yang saya beri tanda merah. Di situ tertulis 3 syarat yang harus anda penuhi yaitu yang  pertaman Pilih 3 teman yang tepercaya, kedua Hubungi teman anda untuk mendapatkan kode keamanan dan yang ketiga Pulihkan Akun Anda.

Seperti yang telah saya jelaskan diatas bahwa anda harus mempunyai 3 facebook atau lebih yang telah berteman dengan korban untuk kode tersebut dikirim ke anda. Klik Lanjutkan.

7. Selanjutnya anda akan dibawa ke tahap kedua yaitu memilih tiga teman. Pilih 3 buah facebook anda yang telah berteman dengan si korban. ingat pilih 3 facebook anda.

8. Kode yang akan anda terima seperti ini.

9. Masukan kode yang telah dikirim ke facebook anda.

10. Yang terakhir yaitu Pulihkan Akun. Dan anda telah dapat masuk ke facebook korban.

* Cara ini juga dapat digunakan untuk mengembalikan account facebook yang dihack.

Sekian trik dari saya semoga bermanfaat

Thank to all.

Username dan Password Anti Virus Eset Smart Security dan Nod32 (update 1 April 2011)

Jumat, 01 April 2011
Eset Smart Security adalah anti virus favorit saya, kenapa ? Karena ringan tidak membebankan CPU dan memory, fiturnya cukup lengkap dan penanganan terhadap virus sangat baik. Seberapa hebat anti virus kalau tidak diupdate maka akan kurang sempurna anti virus tersebut dalam menangani virus yang selalu beredar setiap saat.

Bagi teman2 yg ingin update esetnod32 dan eset smart security secara online bisa menggunakan user name dan pasword berikut :

Untuk ESS

Pilih salah satu username dan password diatas, jika invalid coba yang lainnya.
Username berlaku sampai 30 April 2011
Username : TRIAL-43767871
Password : 4xpb5tck6t

Username : TRIAL-43767867
Password : 6va5be3fn5

Username : TRIAL-43767919
Password : 4ubap88af2

Username : TRIAL-43767917
Password : u7bdudxje6

Username : TRIAL-43767961
Password : 6kpcub8mx6

Username : TRIAL-43767967
Password : aa6ffjtefp

Untuk EAV

Username: EAV-39103964
Password: r2vd2u8d2t
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103970
Password: c3v4fd6f5c
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103972
Password: 4dcdex6uj8
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39107676
Password: hn4kv77ckp
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39107677
Password: c6tbrahtv5
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39107679
Password: 4hampth8c2
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39129930
Password: 6xff3c5hkk
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011


Leveling with CE

Meskipun tak sehebat cheat yg menggunakan fiddler...tp lumayanlah buat leveling u/ Cheat Engine User...

Cheat Engine: Bissa dilihat di post sebelumnya/Disini

Required: lv42-60

1. Buka NS
2. Masuk ke Kage Room
3. Pilih misi reguler (Grade A)
4. Buka CE (klo ada yg brtanya sy pakai v. 5.6.1)
5. Pilih Process browser kalian>>>Value Type: Text
6. Scan misi yg akan kalian mainkn...
7. Kita ambil contoh misi lv58...
8. Scan "mission_147"
9. Akan muncul 1 addreess...klik 2x...
10. Ubah valunya jadi "mission_124"
11. klik Play dan kalian akan melawan 2 dummy...
12. selesaikan misi...dan dapatkn XP dr misi lv58


Tools: Cheat Engine
Required: lv7-40

1. Buka NS
2. Masuk ke Kage Room
3. Pilih misi reguler (Grade B dan C)
4. Buka CE (klo ada yg brtanya sy pakai v. 5.6.1)
5. Pilih Process browser kalian>>>Value Type: Text
6. Scan misi yg akan kalian mainkn...
7. Kita ambil contoh misi lv39...
8. Scan "mission_83"
9. Akan muncul 1 addreess...klik 2x...
10. Ubah valunya jadi "mission_93"
11. klik Play dan kalian akan memainkn misi Kanesada The Sword 4...
12. selesaikan misi...dan dapatkn XP dr misi lv39


Tools: Cheat Engine
Required: lv3-6

1. Buka NS
2. Masuk ke Kage Room
3. Pilih misi reguler (Grade C)
4. Buka CE (klo ada yg brtanya sy pakai v. 5.6.1)
5. Pilih Process browser kalian>>>Value Type: Text
6. Scan misi yg akan kalian mainkn...
7. Kita ambil contoh misi lv7...
8. Scan "mission_9"
9. Akan muncul 1 addreess...klik 2x...
10. Ubah valunya jadi "mission_2"
11. klik Play dan kalian akan memainkn misi Hadworking Student...
12. selesaikan misi...dan dapatkn XP dr misi lv6



Tools: Cheat Engine
Required: lv42-60

1. Open NS
2. Go to the Kage Room
3. Choose a regular mission (Grade A)
4. Open CE (if there is a distinguished brtanya disposable sy v. 5.6.1)
5. Select Process your browser>>> Value Type: Text
6. Scan the mission who would you Play ...
7. We take the example mission lv58 ...
8. Scan "mission_147"
9. Will appear 1 addreess ... click 2x ...
10. Change the value to be "mission_124"
11. click Play and you will fight two dummy ...
12. complete the mission ... and get XP from missions lv58


Tools: Cheat Engine
Required: lv7-40

1. Open NS
2. Go to the Kage Room
3. Choose a regular mission (Grade B and C)
4. Open CE (if there is a distinguished brtanya disposable sy v. 5.6.1)
5. Select Process your browser>>> Value Type: Text
6. Scan the mission who would you Play ...
7. We take the example mission lv39 ...
8. Scan "mission_83"
9. Will appear 1 addreess ... click 2x ...
10. Change the value to be "mission_93"
11. click Play and you will fight Kanesada The Sword 4...
12. complete the mission ... and get XP from missions lv39


Tools: Cheat Engine
Required: lv3-6

1. Open NS
2. Go to the Kage Room
3. Choose a regular mission (Grade C)
4. Open CE (if there is a distinguished brtanya disposable sy v. 5.6.1)
5. Select Process your browser>>> Value Type: Text
6. Scan the mission who would you Play ...
7. We take the example mission lv6...
8. Scan "mission_9"
9. Will appear 1 addreess ... click 2x ...
10. Change the value to be "mission_2"
11. click Play and you will fight Hadworking Student mission...
12. complete the mission ... and get XP from missions lv6

Credit: Wira Cakep


Code Mission Ninja Saga

Jounin Exam

mission_136 = Jounin Exam 5/5: The Orochi?
mission_135 = Jounin Exam 4/5: The Elements
mission_134 = Jounin Exam 3/5: The Kekkai
mission_133 = Jounin Exam 2/5: Shinobi Tower
mission_132 = Jounin Exam 1/5: Hand Seal

Chunin Exam

mission_55 = Chunin Exam 1/5: Written Test
mission_56 = Chunin Exam 2/5: Scroll War
mission_57 = Chunin Exam 3/5: Arena?
mission_58 = Chunin Exam 4/5: Team Battle
mission_59 = Chunin Exam 5/5: Final


mission_1 atau mission_12 atau msission_124 => Training Dummy
mission_2 = Hardworking Student => Grade C lvl. 1
mission_3 = Blacksmith Request => Grade C lvl. 2
mission_4 = weaver's request => Grade C lvl. 3
mission_5 = Assasination of shin => Grade C lvl. 18
mission_6 = Ken's Challange
mission_7 = Michi's Request => Grade C lvl. 4
mission_8 = Yuna Request => Grade C lvl. 5
mission_9 = Grandmother Gift => Grade C lvl.6
mission_10 = Fake Worshippers => Grade C lvl.7
mission_13 = Confideal Documents => Grade C lvl.3
mission_14 = Conflicts with the samurai => Grade C lvl.4
mission_15 = Find The Antidote => Grade C lvl.6
mission_16 = Enemies for interrogation => Grade C lvl.7
mission_17 = The Mysterious Lights => Grade C lvl.8
mission_18 = Protect Princes takara => Grade C lvl.9
mission_19 = The Disert Bandits => Grade C lvl.9
mission_20 = Secret of the Guardian Scroll
mission_21 = Protect the Messenger
mission_22 = Investigation
mission_23 = Be an Envoy to Water
mission_24 = Relief Force to Water Village
mission_25 = Be an Envoy to Earth Village
mission_26 = Civil Strife in Earth Village
mission_27 = Backup Request from Wind Village
mission_28 = Escort the Merchant
mission_29 = Kusuma's Request => Grade C lvl.10
mission_30 = Kage's son save norobi
mission_31 = It's Samurai again => Grade C lvl.12
mission_32 = Catch the Insurrectionist => Grade C lvl.12
mission_33 = Escape Criminals => Grade C lvl.13
mission_34 = Assasinate the Ninja Spy Leader Grade C lvl.13
mission_35 = The Mist Stalker
mission_36 = Suspicious Ninja
mission_37 = Battle Samurai
mission_38 = Ken's second challange
mission_39 = Explosive Mines => Grade C lvl.11
mission_40 = Three Undead Marionette
mission_41 = Arrest Desert Clawman => Grade C lvl.14
mission_42 = Kenta's Favor => Grade C lvl.15
mission_43 = Sea Robbers are Back => Grade C lvl.15
mission_44 = Trouble from Hooligans => Grade C lvl.16
mission_45 = Rescue Action => Grade C lvl.17
mission_46 = Choose the Right target
mission_47 = Clear Main Artery => Grade C lvl.17
mission_48 = Troublesome Water Ninja => Grade C lvl.18
mission_49 = Threatening Soil Vilage => Grade C lvl.19

Unknown Level

mission_50 = Village in Turmoil
mission_51 = Destroy the Criminal Alliance?
mission_52 = Ken's Third Challange
mission_53 = Assasination of Shin2
mission_54 = Guard the Village Gate


mission_60 = Where are the Hoologans?
mission_61 = Night Rebellion
mission_62 = Canine Tooth Collection
mission_63 = Phantom Ninja
mission_65 = War with Samurai
mission_67 = Toxic Crisis
mission_68 = The Ninja Assassinates
mission_69 = Crazy Marionette

Special Event

Mission_72 = Medicine Reseacrh
mission_73 = The Sceret Package from Yuna
mission_74 = Zuka's Request
mission_75 = Help The Snow Village
mission_76 = Escort Kaiza
mission_78 = Escaped Prisoner
mission_79 = Wind Village Defend
mission_80 = Violent Hooligans
mission_81 = Urgent Request from Michi
mission_82 = Merchant Assassination
mission_83 = Mountain Bandits
mission_84 = Hidden Laboratory
mission_85 = The Hanjiro Series 01?
mission_86 = The Hanjiro Series 02?
mission_87 = The Hanjiro Series 03?
mission_88 = The Hanjiro Series 04 (Final)
mission_90 = Kanesada the Swrod 01?
mission_91 = Kanesada the Sword 02?
mission_92 = Kanesada the Sword 03?
mission_93 = Kanesada the Sword 04?
mission_94 = Kanesade the Sword 05?
mission_95 = Kanesade the sword 06?
mission_97 = Rebel Water Ninjas?
mission_98 = Friendly Match (Practise with lok li)
mission_99 = The Mysterious Bug
mission_104 = Revenge the Phantom Ninja
mission_105 = The Battle Dog
mission_106 = The Lost Letter
mission_107 = Get Ready for PVP
mission_108 = Kanesada the Sword 07 (Final)
mission_109 = The Stubborn Lanlord 01
mission_110 = The Stubborn Landlord 02
mission_111 = Path of a Genin
mission_112 = Merchant's Quarrel
mission_114 = Message to Tsuchikage 1


mission_138 = Concern of Norobie => Grade A lvl.42
mission_139 = Request form the Rock Vilage => Grade A lvl.44
mission_140 = The Antique Vase => Grade A lvl.46
mission_141 = The Fire-Thunder Allianced => Grade A lvl.48
mission_142 = The Mysterious Mist => Grade A lvl.50
mission_143 = Blacksmith's Trouble => Grade A lvl.52
mission_144 = The Assassins' Plot => Grade A lvl.54
mission_147 = Kinjutsu: Marionette Control => Grade A lvl.58
mission_148 = The Criminal Gathering => Grade A lvl.56


mission_149 = Ramen Delivery => Daily Mission lvl.5
mission_151 = The Promise => Daily Mission lvl.15
mission_152 = Pirates in Exile => Daily Mission lvl.20
mission_162 = Practice: Lightning Chunin => Daily Mission lvl.25 (Emblem User)
mission_163 = Practice: Earth Chunin => Daily Mission lvl.30 (Emblem User)
mission_164 = Battle Data Of The Marionette => Daily Mission lvl.30 (Emblem User)
mission_165 = The Store Keeper => Daily Mission lvl.40
mission_166 = Save The Clan Casualeties => Daily Mission lvl.40(Emblem User)
mission_167 = BlackOps' Meals => Daily Mission lvl.45
mission_168 = The Postman's Duties => Daily Mission lvl.45 (Emblem User)


mission_170 = Secret TP Scroll
mission_171 = The Kekkai in the forest
mission_173 = Another TP Scroll
mission_174 = Weird potion

Hanami Festival mission
mission_198 = Hanami Memeory Test
mission_199 = Hanami Photo Hunt

Creadit by : Special Thank's for Farhan Ibnu Faqih

