Copy Disini
facebook symbols face 01: ?
facebook symbols face 02: ?
facebook symbols face 03:?
facebook symbols face 04:???
Heart symbols on facebook:
? ? ? ? ? ?
Facebook Flowers Symbol:
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Facebook Butterfly Symbols:
Butterfly symbol 01: ?????
Butterfly symbol 02: ???
Butterfly style 03: e??
Facebook Music Symbols:
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Stars facebook symbols
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???? ?
Snowflake facebook symbols:
? ? ? ? ?
Religion & belief facebook symbols
? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Peace facebook symbols: ??
Facebook Poker Symbols:
Poker black: ? ? ? ?
Poker White: ? ? ? ?
Zodiac symbols for facebook
? � Aries (The Ram)
? � Taurus (The bull)
? � Gemini (The Twins)
? � Cancer (The Crab)
? � Leo (The Lion)
? � Virgo (The Virgin)
? � Libra (The Scales)
? � Scorpio (The Scorpion)
? � Sagittarius (Centaur The Archer)
? � Capricorn (Goat-horned, The sea goat)
? � Aquarius (The water bearer)
? � Pisces (The fish)
Chess black facebook symbols :
? ? ? ? ? ?
Chess White Facebook Symbols:
? ? ? ? ? ?
Crosses facebook symbols:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Moon symbols ? ?
Sun symbols: � ?
Cloud and umbrella ? ?
Snowman: ?
Comet: ?
Apple symbol for facebook: ?
Risk radioactive and biological: ? ?
Check symbol for facebook ?
Hands pointing
? ? ? ? ? ?
Writing Symbols
? ? ? ? ??? ?
Scissors symbols: ? ?
Phones symbols: ? ? ?
Clocks:? ?
Airplane facebook symbol: ?
Dinner: ?
Skull symbol: ?
Decorative symbols: ? ? ?
Numeric facebook symbols:
?????????? ??????????
?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??
?????? ?????? ?????? ????????
you can write your own words, for example:!!
Facebook symbols = ???????? ???????
Oriental symbols:
??????? ???????? ??????? ???
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